© Rajeev Manikoth
Rajeev Manikoth . Bangalore . 2011
© Rajeev Manikoth
Where exactly does the realm of a designer begin? What should we engage with? As the blue planet orbits around the home sun, life evolves with it’s myriad complexities. Design as we practice it, seems a woefully small ingredient. The more I contemplate, the more confusing it is to make intelligent sense of the immense complexity that life is. What are our future paths? I try to make some connections here …
You think that because you understand one you understand two, because one and one makes two. But you must also understand Sufi saying
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
what exactly is
& for whom?
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
I thought all creative processes were innovative
done to death?
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
What kind of a
future creature
will the designer be?
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
In the typical context, design practices are fairly limited, as too often a client brief is restricted to an immediate concern of a solution - a product or service in a defined timeframe. But when design engages in a truly immersive way, I believe that the canvas can be multi- dimensional and solutions can emerge that are “inventive”. Social systems can change, the nature of how we live and work can change, future technologies can be defined & created in terms of how communities envision a possible future ... rather than technologies defining how we live & work.
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
... yum!
does design figure here ?
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
There has been a complete transformation of the cycle of food from “the farm to the table”.
© Rajeev Manikoth
So is there a problem ?
Over time, the point A ( Growing the food ) to Point B ( Food at the table ) has grown apart with innumerable processes in between. With the nature of habitats changing, there is an increasing reliance on highly processed & genetically modified foods. These are now most often produced on large farms using mechanised processes and a barrage of chemical stimulants and pest controls. The land itself has degenerated and increasingly depends on stronger chemical inputs. Food is now a matter of “off the shelf” purchase. Produce that comes from far and wide along the food super higway. Shelf life also implies the addition of preservatives, refrigeration, etc. We consume unhealthy foods, drive to work & then go for walks as part of an exercise regime to keep fit !
© Rajeev Manikoth
is it
Designing more packaging & sticking this on is’nt really helping ..
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
Clean, safe potable water should be freely available as nature intended ... We should not let that right be taken away. If we aim for this, there will be no need for companies to market “clean” bottled water. But will the lobby let this become reality ? I think not.
the precious resource
is already one of the most critical resources. And also one of the most volatile. An instrument of control. A weapon weilded by the powerful.
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
how does design figure here ?
Why do we build structures that are glitzy showpieces & violate every sensible life principle ? We build closed structures that are heavy on resource usage, keep out the breeze and light. THEN we invest enormous resources in lighting and cooling these!
© Rajeev Manikoth
is profitable
People plotting against people Conspiracies . Arms lobbies . War
Systems can be designed that can factor in imbalances in learning & economic opportunities.  We need new kinds of institutions ... what would it’s nature be ? Let’s move towards true equality, seeing all of our communities as invaluable human assets to the nation.
© Rajeev Manikoth
resources on discount
the Great Indian sale
decimation of our forest cover
who does what who gets more who gets nothing devour Corporations & Government have been ransacking our mineral belts in the name of “development”. Ethnic communities are being forced from their ancient lands. The benefits accrued, as usual reach only a few.
© Rajeev Manikoth
to  "Life Centric"
"Human Centric"
We need a Fundamental Shift from
© Rajeev Manikoth
© Rajeev Manikoth
This means All life on earth. When we really learn to offer due respect to our “home” planet, we will be able to understand our true equation with life itself. Our goals will change. Businesses. Governance. Conflict. War. Peace. This is not new. All indigenous communities had this intelligence. Somewhere in our journey we seemed to have thrown away this awareness. Unfortunately Mankind seems to seek major disasters to come to terms with this reality.
a fundamental shift in our perspective
from Human Centric to Life Centric
People plotting against People. Greed. Selfcentred. Hatred
© Rajeev Manikoth
If we can manage this key shift as a race, we could maybe embark on a very important transformational journey where all equations could probably correct themselves. Human to human & nation to nation relations, sustainability, resource utilisation, economics, the nature of future habitats ... the whole slew of issues. Indigenious communities recognised this and embraced this. Somewhere on the path to so called "development", we seemed to have lost this critical connection.
© Rajeev Manikoth
how does design figure here ?
What could be the alternative development model of the future .. that could reflect this fundamental shift to “Life Centric” ? Can it define how we Live, Learn, Work & Play ?
Perhaps we can look at the future face of human habitats as a major change agent and context maker. With a shift to “Life Centric” we can conceptualise habitats that are organic entities that coexist with other life forms, where we give “space” for other life forms to flourish and enrich the environments that we habitate. Cleaner air, fresher cleaner food, working environments that are technology enabled to make physical travel minimal. Where the creative human mind can find free expression.
future habitats
Let’s learn to live life. Creating harmony instead of competitive conflict.
Can community models become the structure for equitable future societies?
Shelter, food, clothing, education, meaningful employment, good health, social interaction & a joy of living . People shouldn’t have to travel for hours to do work they don’t really enjoy and have no real time to live life. What can a community habitat be, that addresses all these? Our references have changed. Technologies have effected radical change in the way things can be done. Do we really need those monstrous flyovers and mega concrete structures ? Can we shed those massive societal Egos which restrict us from making a qualitative quantum jump in how we live and work?
How about communities that have access to technologies that will be enablers in visualising and implementing how we want to live and work with limited commuting? Let’s save that time for fully enjoying what life can offer. How about fresh produce that need not be preserved and can reach us from the not too distant neighbourhood ? Do we need to travel to far away places to enjoy a bit of nature because we have destroyed it in our immediate neighbourhood - because somehow we equate “development” with more built space?
the tremendous possibilities of Design engagement in being a catalyst in defining common futures. From the inside out at community levels. NOT thrusting directions outside-in. This means the evolution of a new equation .. of also a raised political awareness .. of a society than can be aware of constitutional rights .. of demanding engagement with your elected representatives .. and therefore where policies can be in tune with what we as a nation really need. Think “Design Thinking” can help change our collective futures ? You bet we can!
the Political
Should designers have anything to do with
Be Citizens first ! Our professions exist within the society that we function in. We live in an “illusionary” democracy with no real voice in how the nation is run. Accountability to the electorate seems to be a notion that has had a quiet cultivated demise.
the Political space
The design community is by and large an “aware” group. How come we are so silent on issues that are critical in shaping the country? Remember that “design” will function in a future that is being shaped by policies in which we currently have no real say. If the design community engages in this process, it can play a pivotal role in changing this. Use your skills to communicate real issues to the people. Create forums, groups, discussion groups. Use the tools that we are good with.
By NOT engaging, we are doing a disservice to the future of our nation.
Learning &Teaching
If Design is a change agent, what would be its greater function ? How do we define the role of design in a nation trying to rediscover it’s place in the global landscape? How will we take “Design thinking” across the country? This is an exercise that has been doing the rounds in design forums.
OUR basic premise needs course correction.
Learning &Teaching Design
There are innumerable real life “design” solutions manifesting all across the country. This is not new. All communities have found solutions to problems that have confronted them. They might not be slick, they might not be for markets outside. But they are sustainable, innovative, creative, use locally available materials and processes. “Institutionalised” design can perhaps bring in an external viewpoint. But local knowledge is unique to locations and could offer the solutions that we are looking for. The danger has been of the slow death of rich local knowledge by succumbing to “market” pressures and the onslaught of corporate “empires” seeking to tap the mass market at the “bottom of the pyramid”. This in itself is flawed as this approach looks at milking the poor. It looks at “equalising” and bringing in a sameness to everything.
The nation needs to look at enabling local communities to prosper by tapping their knowledge and skillsets. By enabling them to setup their own initiatives. Where OWNERSHIP is theirs. The engagement of design professionals have to be that of an exchange of knowledge and skills that is mutually enriching. There is much to learn from the hinterland.
Learning &Teaching Design
SO who cares
© Rajeev Manikoth